

Our exam preparation courses are designed to fully equip students with the required level and technical skills needed to succeed in official exams.
Our courses are delivered by specialised teachers and examiners. All of our exam preparation includes mock exams, as well as regular workshops.
These courses are ideal for people that for either professional or academic reasons need to learn the language whilst obtaining an official accreditation.


As students embark upon their teenage years, one of the areas that many students choose to move into is exam English. Here at Queen’s, we have a series of courses designed to prepare students for the official B1, B2, and C1 examinations. We are fortunate to have a team of highly experienced exam preparation teachers.
Our courses are ideal for those wanting to go to college or that are interested in preparing themselves for experiences in foreign countries such as the Erasmus program or other exchange students programs or their professional careers.
Classes are twice per week for either a year (B1) or over two years (B2 and C1). Students are continuously evaluated, with the teacher making a firm recommendation on exam candidacy.
  • Twice a week (3h):17:30-19:00


For those interested in preparing for official examinations, we offer a series of intensive courses on Saturday mornings for the B1, B2, and C1 examinations. Courses are delivered by experienced and qualified language instructors who specialise in exam preparation and in some cases, are even examiners themselves that provide the pupils with the skills needed to sit and official examination.
  • Saturdays:09:45-13:00

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